You’re here because you want to spend less time on admin, and more time with your patients or growing your practice.

Maybe you’ve heard of practice management software and you don’t know where to start.

A large practice will have a dedicated practice manager to perform those time sapping admin tasks. 

But for many private practices these jobs will be done by you, the practice owner. 

And that just isn’t sustainable in the long run, right?

The good news is that there is software out there which can help you to spend less time on admin, and more time with your patients.

In this article I’m going to show you:

  • What practice management software is
  • What the benefits are to you as a clinician
  • What the benefits are to your client
  • Whether your practice really needs this software
  • Which software to choose

Let’s dive right in!

What is Practice Management?

First off, let’s understand what ‘practice management’ is:

Practice management is the term used for the admin and business side of a healthcare or medical practice. The responsibilities include:

  • Client record management 
  • Appointment and diary management
  • Reminding people about appointments
  • Invoicing
  • Ensuring you comply with GDPR 

All this admin often distracts from the actual service being delivered by you to your clients.

What is the Purpose of Practice Management Software?

Practice management software does the hard work for you. 

It helps you to put everything involved with running a private practice into one secure and automated place. 

Basically, it’s there to save you time and worry!

While a small practice might be able to get by using paper-based and manual systems, many practice owners find that they work in a much more efficient and professional way once they move to an online practice management software.

You’ll also be able to run your clinic from anywhere (with internet!)  

Your information is stored in the cloud, so assuming you have a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone; you can run your clinic with confidence and ease.

Cloud-based practice management software is extremely secure and it is now the preferred software model of pretty much all major software vendors, including Microsoft 365.

What does Practice Management Software include?

A really basic practice management software typically includes: 

  • Appointment diary
  • Client database
  • Clinical notes
  • Patient correspondence
  • Financial reporting

What you really want to look for though, are some of the more cutting edge companies who will also offer:

  • Online forms and assessments
  • Online consent portal
  • Cashless payment functionality (including in person)
  • Online booking
  • Video Consultation feature
  • Automatic email and SMS communications (especially reminders)
  • Client waiting list
  • Task lists
  • Templates for documents and notes
  • Medical practice and clinician analytics

See more practice management features here

What are the benefits of Practice Management Software to you?

Now that we know what the software is there to do, let’s explore how it might actually benefit you:

You will spend less time on admin… I mean a lot less!

You’ll spend much less time looking for information, preparing notes, writing client emails and text messages, and so much more.

You can send out forms to be completed online in advance of the appointment, and some of the more advanced practice management systems will automatically import the client’s data  from this form straight into their contact record.

Your clients can even book appointments themselves using online booking functionality, which cuts out telephone calls and emails. 

Their information is then automatically added to their client record, and your diary is automatically updated with the details of the appointment.

You can reduce your no shows to almost nothing.

Using automated appointment reminders is really effective, and as the system sends them out for you, you’ll never forget.  

You can also set up integrations with payment systems like Square, meaning your clients can pay for their appointment before it is even confirmed in your diary.

You’ll have the time and the tools to grow your practice.

Because your software streamlines your admin for you, it creates more time for you to spend with clients – if you want to!

It frees up hours which you can use to invest in activities to grow your practice like marketing so that you can take on new clients and generate more income.

You can also run reports which will help you understand what’s happening in your practice so that you can start making improvements in areas you didn’t even know you needed to. 

You can simplify your compliance with key regulations like GDPR.

Yep, this is the big one:

GDPR can be a major source of anxiety for many practitioners.

Luckily, most major practice management systems have ways to simplify the process. 

They make it easier to capture privacy consent (Article 13 of GDPR) and fulfilling access requests (Article 15 of GDPR).

Pretty neat, huh?

You can start saving the planet!

Going paperless is a really great way to make your practice more eco-friendly. 

In general, healthcare facilities use approximately 2 billion pounds of paper each year, adding to the already overflowing landfills around the globe.

What are the benefits of Practice Management Software to my clients?

The added bonus of practice management software is that it can make a really good impression on your clients, too:

You can improve your client’s experience and interactions with your practice.

When it’s easy to communicate with clients, you’ll do more of it! 

And your clients and partners will love the professionalism and care that this shows.

Their data is secure.

Your data isn’t stored on a laptop or PC, so if either of these were stolen your data is safe. 

All your patient information is protected on a secure server which complies with GDPR.

They don’t always need to speak to you.

Ok, this one sounds weird. 

But people tend to prefer booking online rather than picking up the phone.

One of the biggest drawbacks of phone-based booking is that whilst they’re a more personal experience, they’re reliant on two people to make the booking work. 

That presents an issue for your potential client, who has to bend their schedule around your hours.

On your end, the hours you can take bookings between are limited by the numbers of calls you can take at any given time. 

Using online booking means clients can book at any time, on any platform, from anywhere in the world. 

They can pay online, too.

Cashless payments are huge (and important) in the world we live in post-COVID.

Bank transfers are also slow, clunky and time consuming for clients, who may end up putting off paying until they have a bit more time.

The best practice management software will integrate with platforms like Square, meaning you can take payments online at the click of a button either before or after the appointment. 

You can also take card payments in clinic, even if you are a one-clinician practice.

They’ll get more time with you during appointments.

Because they’ve filled in your intake and consent forms online before their appointment, you don’t need to spend that time doing this with them in the clinic.

Your clients will see this as a huge benefit:

They are getting more appointment time for their money, and getting the help they need more efficiently.

Does my practice need this software?

This might all sound a bit whizzy, and maybe something you might not really need or want to spend money on. 

But think again:

Statistics from a recent study conducted by point to a growing need for this software.

According to their research, the most common needs that practices had when starting with or switching to a new practice management system were:

  • Better organisation
  • Integrated and automated assessments and forms
  • Reduction in time spent on admin
  • Integrated scheduling
  • Integrated billing

If these functions are important in your clinic, chances are you’ll benefit massively from a proper clinic management software.

If you still aren’t sure, take our short quiz on this very thing!

Which software should I choose?

This is different for every practice, and there is no right or wrong answer here. 

The best thing to do before choosing which practice management software to use is to take advantage of a free trial which most of them offer. 

You don’t need to import all of your patient information into every system you try. 

Just set up a dummy client or two, and work through a typical patient workflow to see how it feels.

Whilst on your free trial make sure you can tick off most, if not all, of these key factors:

  • It boosts efficiency and saves you time
  • It automates tasks and streamlines your workflow
  • It enhances your clients’ experience
  • It has a stable and reliable invoicing platform
  • It is a scalable solution, so you can continue to use it as your clinic grows

What does the software not do?

It doesn’t do the real job; seeing patients and helping them!

That’s what you are there for. 

So why not let technology do the admin for you?

If you still aren’t sure, take the quiz! It will help you to focus on what really matters to you while you run your practice every day. 

Key Features of Practice Management Software

Practice management software is designed to streamline various administrative and clinical tasks in healthcare settings, enhancing efficiency and improving patient care.

Appointment Scheduling

Appointment scheduling is a crucial feature of practice management software. It allows healthcare providers to manage their calendars effectively, reducing no-shows and double bookings. Advanced systems offer features such as automated reminders via SMS or email, online booking options for patients, and integration with calendar apps. This not only saves time but also enhances patient satisfaction by providing flexible and convenient scheduling options.

Client Records Management

Efficient management of client records is vital for any healthcare practice. Practice management software provides a centralised database for storing and retrieving patient information, including medical histories, treatment plans, and progress notes. This feature ensures that all patient data is easily accessible, secure, and up-to-date, facilitating better clinical decision-making and improving the quality of care. Additionally, it helps in maintaining accurate and comprehensive records for regulatory compliance and audits.

Invoicing and Billing

Automated invoicing and billing functionalities simplify the financial management of a healthcare practice. Practice management software can generate invoices, track payments, and manage insurance claims seamlessly. This feature reduces the administrative burden on staff, minimises errors, and accelerates the payment process. Some systems also offer financial reporting tools that provide insights into the practice’s revenue cycle, helping in better financial planning and management.

Compliance with GDPR

Compliance with healthcare regulations is a critical aspect of practice management. Practice management software helps practices adhere to regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by ensuring data security and privacy. Features like encrypted data storage, secure user authentication, and audit trails safeguard sensitive patient information. By automating compliance processes, practice management software reduces the risk of breaches and penalties, giving healthcare providers peace of mind.

Implementing Practice Management Software

Successfully implementing practice management software requires careful planning and execution. Here are some key steps to ensure a smooth transition and effective use of the software.

Steps to Choose the Right Software

Choosing the right practice management software involves evaluating various factors to meet the specific needs of your practice. Begin by identifying the core functionalities that are essential for your operations. Consider factors such as ease of use, customisation options, and scalability. Research and compare different software options, read user reviews, and request demos to see the software in action. Additionally, assess the vendor’s reputation, support services, and pricing structure to make an informed decision.

Integration with Existing Systems

For a seamless workflow, it is essential that the practice management software integrates well with your existing systems. This includes Electronic Health Records (EHR), laboratory systems, and accounting software. Proper integration ensures data consistency, reduces manual data entry, and enhances overall efficiency. Before implementation, work with your IT team and the software vendor to plan the integration process, test compatibility, and address any potential issues to avoid disruptions.

Training Staff for Effective Use

Training is a crucial component of successful practice management software implementation. Comprehensive training programs should be designed to familiarise staff with the software’s features and functionalities. Offer hands-on training sessions, create user manuals, and provide ongoing support to address any questions or concerns. Encouraging feedback from staff can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that everyone is comfortable and proficient in using the new system. Continuous training and updates are also important as the software evolves and new features are introduced.

By carefully selecting, integrating, and training staff on practice management software, healthcare practices can significantly enhance their operational efficiency and improve the quality of patient care.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions, or just want to chat to us about what an integrated practice management solution could do for you and your practice, just grab us for a live chat. 

The button is just there in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Practice Management Software FAQs

What is practice management software, and how does it benefit healthcare practices?

Practice management software is a comprehensive solution designed to manage the administrative and clinical operations of healthcare practices. It benefits healthcare practices by streamlining tasks such as appointment scheduling, client records management, billing, and compliance. By automating these processes, practice management software improves efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances the overall patient experience. Additionally, it helps practices maintain accurate records, facilitate better communication, and optimize resource utilization.

How can practice management software help reduce administrative burdens?

Practice management software reduces administrative burdens by automating routine tasks and centralizing information. Features such as automated appointment scheduling, electronic health records (EHR), and billing systems minimize manual data entry and paperwork. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors. Moreover, practice management software offers tools for task management, reporting, and communication, enabling staff to focus more on patient care and less on administrative duties.

How can practice management software enhance financial stability in healthcare practices?

Practice management software enhances financial stability by streamlining the invoicing and billing process, reducing claim denials, and improving cash flow. Automated billing systems generate accurate invoices, track payments, and manage insurance claims efficiently. This reduces administrative costs and minimizes the time spent on financial management. Additionally, practice management software provides financial reporting and analytics, giving practices insights into their revenue cycle and helping them make informed financial decisions.

How does the software ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR?

Practice management software ensures compliance with regulations like GDPR by implementing robust data security measures and privacy controls. These include encrypted data storage, secure user authentication, access controls, and audit trails. Practice management software also facilitates adherence to data protection policies by managing patient consent, ensuring data accuracy, and providing tools for regular audits. By automating compliance processes, practice management software helps healthcare practices avoid breaches and penalties associated with non-compliance.

What should healthcare businesses consider when choosing practice management software?

When choosing practice management software, healthcare businesses should consider several factors:

  1. Functionality: Ensure the software offers essential features like appointment scheduling, EHR, billing, and reporting.
  2. Ease of Use: The software should have an intuitive interface that is easy for staff to learn and use.
  3. Integration: Check if the software can integrate with existing systems like EHR, laboratory, and accounting software.
  4. Scalability: The software should be able to grow with your practice and accommodate increasing data and user demands.
  5. Vendor Support: Evaluate the vendor’s reputation, customer support services, and training options.
  6. Cost: Consider the total cost of ownership, including initial setup, subscription fees, and any additional costs for upgrades or support.

Ellie is WriteUpp’s in-house Content Creator. Her research and writing for private practitioners focuses on marketing, business growth, data security, and more. She also hosts WriteUpp’s podcast The Healthy Practice; the show that guides practitioners in the early stages of their careers through every aspect of practice management. Outside of work Ellie writes a mental health blog, studies mindfulness and is a keen nature photographer.