I’m lucky enough to meet some pretty interesting people in my line of work, but occasionally you get to grab a coffee (& toast!) with someone who just “gets it”!

Yesterday, I met with Liz Hawkes, MD of Doctor Profile, to discuss how our two businesses might work together.

After a highly successful career in corporate marketing Liz turned her attention to the NHS and spent time pinpointing a whole host of “income generating” opportunities for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Previously she has also spent time working for the Strategic Health Authority in Yorkshire & Humber (SHA), the pre-cursor to today’s CCG’s.

Now, Liz works with medical consultants, like leading gynaecologist, Professor Adam Balen, private practices and health related businesses, to help maximise their brand, build public profile, social media presence and relationships with the press, as subject experts in their field.

Liz’s previous experience with the NHS and involvement with world-class healthcare professionals gives her a unique perspective on the realities of running a successful healthcare business which I feel many of our client’s could benefit from.

Related Post: Healthcare Marketing: A Complete Overview for Private Practitioners

She’s really approachable, very open, extremely knowledgeable and like I said, she “gets it”! If you want to have a chat with Liz about your practice give her a call on 07891 766402 or go to http://www.doctorprofile.co.uk/ to see her talk about her work.


Bob is the CEO and Co-Founder of WriteUpp. He has led WriteUpp from its original roots in the NHS to its position today as one of the leading practice management systems in the AHP space. He’s a thirty-year veteran of the technology industry, previously working for major tech companies like Oracle before becoming the youngest CEO of a publicly quoted business in 2000. Outside of work, Bob spends time with his family and travels extensively.